Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Friends, Acquaintances, PenPals

Photo taken during singing KTV
Made New Friends on the way Photo with Buddy, Jenny and her sister
Photo with buddy and Laura ( a French)
Group Photo

It has been a long time since I last blog. Maybe there is nothing much to talk bah. Haha. However no doubt, for the past few days during that week was fun as I have made many new friends in Shanghai from local Shanghaiese to foreign French and Taiwan. The fun was there, it was an enjoyable moment. But life is always like that, there will not be everlasting togetherness as everyone need to lead their proper life.

I really hope we can meet up once again despite the location.

Let fate bring us together once again.

Miss everyone


Monday, July 21, 2008


On the train to Suzhou.. looking out.. Haha..
Sell tix booth.. So many ppl. Need to buy return tix
Hu Qiu. A Temple
Write-up.. Must read hor..
Enterance of zhong yuan si
The story continues as jianzhang goes to Suzhou. The motive = to meet a suzhou friend. 2nd motive to explore more places in suzhou other than shanghai. Took a cab to the shanghai train station. Wow. The cab costs was like 55 rmb. Kind of ex but no choice. Never take mrt b4. Haha. At the train station was like packed, so many ppl. Then you do not need to move, they will move you. Haha. Got a window seat.
Reach suzhou le, meet up with my fren fren also can say my fren Jerry, a person who is very good in website design who design the He brought me to Tiger Something ( Hu Qiu) with his friends. The trip was fun. Took a lot of pictures. Can see from the link.
He brought us to dinner also. Wow. The dishes was nice. There was one dish like sg curry. Wah.. Kind of miss SG food. How xia.. Wonder how to survive. Haha. After that stay over at his house and play warcraft stragety map.
Next day was also interesting, send his friend off to the bus terminal who is flying to guangzhou. After that we go to another famous landmark which is another temple. A praying ground which pepople will go on 1st and 15st to pray to Guanyin. The place was very grand. Absolutely Fablaous. And the best thing is that the entrance fees is only one rmb.
After that, it was time to go back. I feel contented even though the stay in suzhou wasn't long but really wan to thank Jerry hospitally. Maybe if there is time, I wan to go to suzhou again with a day tour or something like that.
Will end here. Suzhou Trip

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Shao Bing. Roti Prata?
Bao plus Zhou ( porridge)
2.50 rmb breakfast. Something like pancake. Quite niceLunch.. Not Bad. Got Fish and Cucumber with Fruit
Tix to Suzhou.
Wah.. Didn't know Shanghai breakfast can be so interesting. Morning, We follow one of our collegue Candy to buy breakfast. She bought the shao bing.. It contains a layer of crispy flour, then spread with egg. Then after that add a little salted vege and peanuts. Then add some sweet sauce. I find it interesting. Wanna give a try also. The picture is just half of it. It is 2.50rmb for the whole thing. Eat le damm full. Haha.
Lunch was not bad also.. got fish and cucumber and even fruit somemore. Predicting it will be sucky. But actually it is not bad. The only bad thing is that the fish have a lot of bones. Eat that time will troublesome.
After lunch went to buy ticket to Suzhou to meet Jerry, ALH overseas partner, a friend. Went alone because my partner and supervisor didn't want to go suzhou. Sianz. Weather so hot still need to walk. Sweating like a pig almost tio heat stroke. However I was happy, as it is the first time I got independent and buy my first ticket overseas. Walking alone and buy things on my own. To me is a big experience as normally there will be companion. The bigger challenge will come on Saturday when I will go Suzhou alone in train. I think after this trip le, travelling alone will not be a problem le.
Cya.. Will be blogging only after Suzhou bah.
Take CAre

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


During work, wow. stressed. planning the structure and concept of the website. After a day of work, my boss, Mr Jimmy treat us dinner. Wow. A lot of seafoods. Got so many different types of creatures. Normally in Singapore, I will tend to avoid the seafood. But because it is boss's treat, that why no choice must try, haha. The xiaolongxia not bad. I don like frog legs. But the meal was not bad. Total of 5 person, we ate abt 140 yuan. Haha. After that, go home and slack le.
Thanks for everything.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Things is not as easy as it seems. Even though a difficult task is being given to you, confirm there is a way in getting it done. But at the point of time, the environment is not right, not actually the environment which will give you encourage and strength to do this task. From the ability and knowledge of one, such a task lowers one spirit tremendously and there isn't any acknowledge from top when brain are being stormed. Always puting on mouth stating wan one to make it seems work and from base to tip idea, listening isn't there then what for. Disaster predicted to strike in the days to come. Hopefully there is no "thunderstorm" or "winter".
No photos because in cave. Always no daylight. Cannot take.
Will try to energize myself with goals in mind

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Yu Yuan. Famous GardenThe Entrance of Yu Yuan. Required 30 rmb entrance fees Pork Rice with melted cheese and kimchi Selling Tea leaves. Cai Dao
Shirt for Sales. Anyone?
Sovenirs for Sales.
Cool rite? Fish keychain. Fish in key Chain
Sunday. Last day before going back to the country side. So much appreciate. Woke up at around 10 plus. Wah. Damm tired. Went out at 12pm, took a cab down. Haha. Yuyuan, a place where there is a lot of sceneries. Quite oriental bah. The place was not bad. Took a lot of photos. There is a cheng huang miao nearby where there are a lot of things selling at a very cheap price. Bought a red tie with chinese characters for my dad. But i think he will not wear. because it is too trendy le. Haha.
Finding a place to eat there was very difficult as there are a lot of people on weekend. A wrong time to go but no choice as need to work monday to friday 8-5. Haiz. Ming Ku. However it was fun. Will be back there again to get nice painting at around 10rmb nia. Haha. Even though it is cheap but nice hor.
End of the daylight.
Going back to my cave again.
Miss Singapore 2

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Shanghai gel for 12 rmb if i not wrong. Going 'Orchard' must style nice nice.

The movie which I went to walk for 40rmb. Same price as SG.

Entrance of cinema. Cool rite?

Wah MRT so many ppl. Wonder how would it be like inside? Packed Sardines?Due to camera quality, outlooks not that good. One thing to comment, there are no fat gals."Da Ge" Cafe. MoYih Cafe. My Supervisor, Dela's friend

Nice fountain..The group of 3. Me , Dela(Smiling Star Supervisor) & Wei Siong(OSIP partner) At Shanghai Bay.. Wah.. A lot of ppl.. Sianz
Jie Pian Xiao Chi. Satay.. haha

At last, it was Saturday. A day which I can escape from the so-called country side and go to the city. What I can say is that Pudong Wulian is a place where you do not wan to live at if you want to play alot. Because there is nothing to play here. Sucks leh. At least SG MRT ends at 11 plus. Here MRT shops at 930. WTH

Because it was going to town, buying gel is required to make myself look good. Haha. Puxi was nice. It is almost like Orchard road. Everywhere was so happening and you can see a lot of different types of people. Especially angmoh so that you wil not feel like this is a fully cheena country. Haha. Took a cab there for movie. Chi pi " Red Cliff" is the movie we watch. No different as SG the cinema actually but the entrance was damm cool. Other than that, everything the same. However their snackbar got gelatto icecream for sales. Xian Mu bah.

After movie, walk pass MRT station to go to my supervisor friend cafe. Woohoo. He is a Singaporean. Another SG person. Shiok. We called him Da Ge as he promised to bring us go walk walk also. Haha.

After that, we saw a nice fountain and take a group photo. Then walk abt 30 mins to Shanghai Bay as keep asking people, they say 15 mins. Walk abt a few streets more than ask again, same reply 15 mins. At last we reach the destination and took some pictures. I bought street stall. Haha. Mutton Satay. Hope my stomach can take it. Haha. The day was fun. Will update again.


Miss Singapore

Friday, July 11, 2008


Ticket to buy meal
My dinner on Thursday, It was very good, pork chop with fried rice. Using the type of ticket to purchase a meal. The prok chop rice onli costs 10 rmb only. It was very cheap. Friday lunch was also not bad. It is free and it is fried rice with egg. Sucky soup.. don know taaste like wat.. Heard from them is chicken soup.. but it taste kns. After work, we went to dinner at wen feng shopping centre and then went for a game of pool opposite the apartment. Freaking hole they didn't on the air-con but the pool there is damm chheap which is 10rmb for an hour but sg is like 8 -10 dollars. There is an aracade there also which is 1 rmb per game. A tired day once again.. Will be going to town tmr with more pictures. Looking forward.

See Ya..


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Sauced duck and Shanghai xiaolongbao.
My workdesk with my partner.
Kindergarden toilet
I am on their tram
Photos of the police station in Shanghai
Smiling Star

First day of work, cannot imagine the working environment, it is super slack. The morning sun woke me up at 5am. Daybreak very early. Slacking on the bed until 7 plus then bathe and go to work. First day breakfast was empty bread. The 2nd photo was my working desk.
The day was damm hot, sweating like hell, wearing polo shirt.. Haiz. Starting we went to the police station which is not in the area. Then go there with passport, then after that they say they need the house rental contract. Go back then go there again. Freaking sianz. What the worst is that we went to the wrong station le, we need to go to the pudong de. Sadly we walk to the other station and do the transaction. There is a picture of the form need to be filled in. The process is very "fast" until I doze off and sleep. Haha.
After that I went back to the Smiling Star company and take my lappy back to apartment then we went kai kai nearby. Bought a sunglass for 25 rmb and a shirt for 10rmb. Haha. Very cheap. Eaten xiaolongbao and beef rice but damm oily. The sauce of the beef rice like you are eating oil. Haha. After that went back to apartment and slack. Anime Time.
Cya. Will blog more and take more photos of chio bu.