Tuesday, July 8, 2008


FliGhT tO ShAnGhAi.. FiRsT dAy In ShAnGhAi..

First pic: Taken photo with my dear sis..

Second picture: Last breakfast in Singapore.. Haha

Third picture: Departure photos.

Fourth picture: Me and my OSIP partner, Wei Siong

The next following pictures will be the memories which I have taken from airport terminal 1.

First time, I feel myself very big for once as my partner and I was late for our flight, there is an annoucement calling for us to board the plane. Haha. The experience was damm fun, you can try it yourself one day and understand how i feel. China eastern, an airline which sucks. The trip there was teribble, from the start of the flight after leaving sg for like 1 hour, the whole trip was like terbulet.. I wanna cry.. Eating Lunch in a shaky environment. The only thing you can do is just sleep in the plane

Food on China Eastern sux.

After we arrived, we meet up with the supervisior which is Dela and she brought us to our apartment then shopping. Haha. Dinner at aijisen. Things is so cheap there, I ate beef rice for like 28 rmb(S$5). Haha. Shopping for necessities and back to apartment again. Will take more photos on apartment.

Nitez. Back to unpacking.

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