Saturday, July 12, 2008


Shanghai gel for 12 rmb if i not wrong. Going 'Orchard' must style nice nice.

The movie which I went to walk for 40rmb. Same price as SG.

Entrance of cinema. Cool rite?

Wah MRT so many ppl. Wonder how would it be like inside? Packed Sardines?Due to camera quality, outlooks not that good. One thing to comment, there are no fat gals."Da Ge" Cafe. MoYih Cafe. My Supervisor, Dela's friend

Nice fountain..The group of 3. Me , Dela(Smiling Star Supervisor) & Wei Siong(OSIP partner) At Shanghai Bay.. Wah.. A lot of ppl.. Sianz
Jie Pian Xiao Chi. Satay.. haha

At last, it was Saturday. A day which I can escape from the so-called country side and go to the city. What I can say is that Pudong Wulian is a place where you do not wan to live at if you want to play alot. Because there is nothing to play here. Sucks leh. At least SG MRT ends at 11 plus. Here MRT shops at 930. WTH

Because it was going to town, buying gel is required to make myself look good. Haha. Puxi was nice. It is almost like Orchard road. Everywhere was so happening and you can see a lot of different types of people. Especially angmoh so that you wil not feel like this is a fully cheena country. Haha. Took a cab there for movie. Chi pi " Red Cliff" is the movie we watch. No different as SG the cinema actually but the entrance was damm cool. Other than that, everything the same. However their snackbar got gelatto icecream for sales. Xian Mu bah.

After movie, walk pass MRT station to go to my supervisor friend cafe. Woohoo. He is a Singaporean. Another SG person. Shiok. We called him Da Ge as he promised to bring us go walk walk also. Haha.

After that, we saw a nice fountain and take a group photo. Then walk abt 30 mins to Shanghai Bay as keep asking people, they say 15 mins. Walk abt a few streets more than ask again, same reply 15 mins. At last we reach the destination and took some pictures. I bought street stall. Haha. Mutton Satay. Hope my stomach can take it. Haha. The day was fun. Will update again.


Miss Singapore

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